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Colorado Ebike Rebates and Tax Credits: Savings, Eligibility & More

Colorado Ebike Rebates and Tax Credits: Savings, Eligibility & More

December 5, 2024

Interested in getting a rebate on an electric bicycle (ebike)? Colorado has offered an ebike rebate program for many years, but in 2024, the state transitioned to a tax credit system that provides a $450 discount on a qualified ebike purchase.

But it’s not just the state of Colorado that’s providing options. Several cities — including Denver — in the state are offering their own rebate programs and tax incentives for residents to purchase an ebike.

Learn more about the available Colorado ebike rebate and tax credit programs including:

1. Colorado Ebike Tax Credit

1a. Is There a Tax Credit for Ebikes in Colorado?

1b. How Much Is the Colorado Ebike Rebate?

1c. Do I Qualify for the Colorado Rebate?

1d. What Kind of Ebikes Qualify for the New Colorado Tax Credit?

1e. What Ebike Retailers Should Know About the Colorado Tax Credit

1f. Can Ebikes Be Claimed as Tax Credits?

2. Denver Ebike Rebate Vouchers

2a. What Is the Denverite Ebike Rebate?

2b. What Is the Income Qualified Rebate for Ebikes in Denver?

2c. What Is the Standard Rebate for Ebikes in Denver?

2d. What Is the Adaptive Rebate for Ebikes in Denver?

2e. How Do I Get a Denver Ebike Rebate Voucher?

2f. How Do I Use My Denver Ebike Rebate Voucher?

3. Additional Colorado Rebates

3a. Ebike Rebate Programs in Colorado Cities

3b. Ebike Rebate Programs in Colorado Counties

Colorado Ebike Tax Credit

Colorado’s previous ebike rebate program ended on February 19, 2024. Beginning on April 1, 2024, the state transitioned to a new incentive program, the Colorado ebike tax credit. Learn more about this new program and get answers to your questions below.

Is There a Tax Credit for Ebikes in Colorado?

Yes, the state of Colorado offers a tax credit for ebikes. It offers an upfront discount on the purchase of an ebike. The tax credit can only be applied to qualifying bike purchases from participating dealers.

How Much Is the Colorado Ebike Rebate?

The Colorado ebike tax credit is $450. Colorado residents are limited to one tax credit per year. There is no minimum or maximum purchase price required in order to use the tax credit.

Do I Qualify for the Colorado Rebate?

While the Colorado ebike rebate program has ended, here’s what you need to know about qualifying for the Colorado ebike tax credit.

You need to live in Colorado and be able to provide proof of a physical address when you buy the ebike. On the Colorado Energy Office website, there’s a list of approved documents you can use to show your address. These include things like a Colorado driver’s license, a pay stub, a bank statement, or a lease, among others.

You also have to purchase an ebike that qualifies for the program (not all ebikes are eligible) from a participating retailer.

What Kind of Ebikes Qualify for the New Colorado Tax Credit?

All ebikes are not automatically eligible for the Colorado tax credit.

Ebikes that qualify for the program must:

  • ✓ Be new
  • ✓ Be a class 1, class 2, or class 3 ebike
  • ✓ Meet UL safety certification requirements
  • ✓ Have an electric motor of 750 watts or less
  • ✓ Not be gasoline-powered
  • ✓ Have two or three wheels and operable pedals

In addition, adaptive ebikes qualify for the program, and there are no maximum or minimum purchase price requirements.

What Ebike Retailers Should Know About the Colorado Tax Credit

To become an ebike retailer that participates in the Colorado tax credit program, you need to submit a sign-up form. Qualified retailers must:

  • ✓ Register with the Department of Revenue (DOR) via their Revenue Online account
  • ✓ Sell qualified ebikes
  • ✓ Have a State of Colorado sales tax license
  • ✓ Have filed a monthly sales tax return showing a tax liability for at least 12 months
  • ✓ Have paid the monthly sales taxes due

At the time of purchase, retailers will need to collect a Department of Revenue affidavit form (DR 0514) from the customer or obtain the form information from the customer. The retailer will submit the forms and information they’ve collected to the Department of Revenue during a quarterly reporting period.

During the program’s first year, retailers won’t be able to receive advanced payments of the credit. During this time, Colorado ebike retailers can apply for financing support for the program through the Colorado Enterprise Fund (CEF) or through ANB Bank.

Can Ebikes Be Claimed as Tax Credits?

No, ebikes can’t be claimed as tax credits yet. While the federal government has been working on an ebike tax incentive program, it has not been passed by Congress or signed into law. The suggested program would include income qualification requirements and a maximum purchase amount.

Keep an eye on HR-1685, the Ebike Act to see how this tax credit program develops. As it’s currently written, ebikes costing up to $8,000 MSRP would qualify and individuals would have to make less than $150,000.

Denver Ebike Rebate Vouchers

Instead of the Colorado ebike tax credit, another option is the Denver ebike rebate voucher. This rebate cannot be combined with the Colorado tax credit, so you’ll have to choose the program that offers you the best deal.

What Is the Denverite Ebike Rebate?

Denver’s Office of Climate Action offers a limited number of ebike rebate vouchers for Denver residents. The vouchers are available on a first-come, first-served basis every other month on scheduled ebike rebate release dates. To be notified of upcoming release dates, subscribe to the program’s newsletter.

The voucher provides a rebate that’s deducted from the price of an ebike or an e-cargo bike at the point of sale. This means there aren’t receipts to submit, and you don’t have to wait until after the purchase for a reimbursement. Ebikes must be purchased from a participating bike shop.

There are four different rebate types available:

  • 1. The Low-Income Qualified Rebate
  • 2. The Moderate-Income Qualified Rebate
  • 3. The Standard Rebate
  • 4. The Adaptive Rebate

What Is the Income Qualified Rebate for Ebikes in Denver?

Two of the rebates available through the Denver program are Income Qualified Rebates.

The first is the Low-Income Qualified Rebate, which offers up to $1,200 on an ebike or up to $1,400 on a cargo ebike. To qualify, you need to be older than 16 years of age and be a resident of Denver (proof required).

You also need to meet household income eligibility requirements by belonging to one of the following categories:

  • ✓ Under 60% of the state median income
  • ✓ Under 200% of the federal poverty level
  • ✓ Under 60% of the area median income

The second one is the Moderate-Income Qualified Rebate. It lets you save up to $700 on an ebike or up to $900 on a cargo ebike. To qualify, you again need to be over 16 years old and a resident of Denver. Your income must also meet one of the following requirements:

  • ✓ Be under 100% of the state’s median income
  • ✓ Be under 200% of the federal poverty level
  • ✓ Be between 60% and 100% of the area median income

What Is the Standard Rebate for Ebikes in Denver?

The Standard Rebate offers a $300 rebate on an ebike or up to a $500 rebate for a cargo ebike. To qualify, you need to be a Denver resident over 16 years old. There are no income requirements for this rebate program.

What Is the Adaptive Rebate for Ebikes in Denver?

The Adaptive Rebate program is another option tailored to people with a disability. The program offers up to $1,400 on an adaptive ebike when you buy from participating bike shops. There are no income requirements for this rebate program.

The application process for this program is separate and different from the other rebates. You can apply at any time but will still need to purchase the adaptive bike from selected bike shops or retailers.

How Do I Get a Denver Ebike Rebate Voucher?

To get an ebike rebate voucher, you need to follow a couple of easy steps. Here, we’ll walk you through the process of getting a Denver ebike rebate voucher.

Step 1: Prepare for Voucher Release Day

The first thing you need to do is know when the voucher will be released. The easiest way to stay on top of voucher release dates is to sign up for the Denver Office of Climate Action’s newsletter. Once you get an email listing the next release date, it’s time to start gathering important documents.

To apply, you’ll need to have:

  • ✓ Proof of residency (e.g., driver’s license, bank statement, bills, etc.)
  • ✓ Proof of income eligibility (only if applying to an income-qualifying program)

While you can’t send these documents in early, having them ready to go on release day can speed up your application. You can also create your account login in advance.

Step 2: Log in on Voucher Release Day

On the date the vouchers are released, the online portal opens at 11 a.m. If you already have an account, log on at 11 a.m. by going to If you don’t have an account already, you need to create one by registering as a new user.

Once logged in, complete the online application. To do this, you’ll need to provide:

  • ✓ Your name
  • ✓ Address
  • ✓ Contact details
  • ✓ Any necessary documentation (including your proof of residency and income-related paperwork, if needed)

If you’re lucky enough to receive a voucher, you’ll be notified via email. This process can take up to 10 business days. After you get a voucher, you’ll need to use it within 90 days. If you don’t use it, you won’t be able to reapply to the program within the same calendar year.

How Do I Use My Denver Ebike Rebate Voucher?

Review Denver’s list of participating bike shops, and pick one to buy your ebike from. All Aventon ebikes are rebate ready. To purchase one, go to the nearest participating Aventon dealer, and find the right ebike model for you.

The rebate will be applied automatically to the purchase price, so you’ll get the discount immediately.

Additional Colorado Rebates

Other than the statewide Colorado ebike tax credit and the Denver ebike rebate voucher, you can find additional ebike rebates in the following cities and counties.

Ebike Rebate Programs in Colorado Cities

Ebike Rebate Programs in Colorado Counties

✓ Gunnison Ebike Rebate: 25% of cost, up to $150

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