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Ebike Battery Safety: How to Prevent Ebike Battery Fires

Ebike Battery Safety: How to Prevent Ebike Battery Fires

February 14, 2023

In continuing our efforts to ensure and promote the safety of our riders, we at Aventon want to focus on a topic that’s been making headlines. In an ever-increasing ebike market it’s important to take note of companies who prioritize the quality of their components. Particularly when it comes to ebike batteries and their charger counterparts. The vital organ of an ebike should, in all respects, be given the most attention to detail when it comes to manufacturing.

At Aventon, we love that more and more people are changing the way they experience the world through e-mobility. However, when looking to purchase an ebike, it’s important to do your due diligence and make sure that the ebike products you’re purchasing are meeting the safety standards and have the proper certifications to prove it. This way you can ride with peace of mind knowing there’s only joy on the road ahead.

In this article we hope to enlighten you on the importance of quality componentry and their materials, battery safety, and all around great information that can help prevent ebike battery fires, to ensure you’re riding safely every time you get on an ebike.


Ebike Batteries Explained

Electric bike batteries are rechargeable batteries that provide power to the electric motor of an ebike. They come in a variety of types and sizes, and can be made from different materials such as lead-acid, lithium-ion, and nickel-cadmium. The most common type of battery used in ebikes today is the lithium-ion battery. This is because lithium-ion batteries have a high energy density, meaning they can store large amounts of energy in a small space, and they also have a relatively long lifespan. All Aventon ebikes use lithium-ion batteries.

Ebike Battery Capacity

The capacity of an ebike battery is measured in watt-hours (Wh) or amp-hours (Ah), and typically ranges from 300 to 1500 Wh. The capacity of the battery determines the distance that the ebike can travel on a single charge. The higher the capacity, the further the ebike can go.


UL Certification

UL certification is the industry standard for ensuring companies are compliant with safety measures for their products, and a great indicator that they have done their due-diligence to ensure they’ve used quality materials and tested them rigorously. UL puts products through extensive testing and examination, including battery functionality, to ensure they meet the electric bike battery fire safety requirements. In December of 2022, Consumer Product Safety Commission sent a letter to 2,000 micromobility manufacturers urging them to follow this standard.*

When it comes to ebike battery safety, the necessary precautions start with the foundation of the product. Is it being made with quality materials? Has it been put through rigorous testing to ensure the safety of the product? Do the manufacturers have the certifications to prove it? These are all great questions to ask before looking to purchase, plug-in and hop on.

You also have to ask yourself, is the price right? Inexpensive ebikes are more often than not made poorly with cheaper materials. In order to find out if a product has been UL certified, look for the UL sticker. There are variations to the UL logos that have varying interpretations, so when in doubt, check public listings for UL certifications or to understand the variations among North American UL logos.


Battery Precautions and Proper Handling

It’s no secret that ebike batteries can be hazardous ONLY if they’re not handled or maintained properly, or are simply made with cheap materials. To promote e bike battery fire safety, it’s important to only use the recommended battery for your ebike and to follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging and maintenance.

Here’s a few things to consider to ensure you have the knowledge of electric bike fire hazards and prevention:

Charging Your Ebike Battery

Ebike batteries can be charged using a standard household outlet or a specialized ebike charger. The charging time can vary depending on the capacity of the battery and the type of charger used. It usually takes between 2 to 6 hours to fully charge an ebike battery. Be sure not to overcharge your ebike battery as this can lead to the depreciation of battery life and may be hazardous depending on the quality of the battery itself.

- Use the recommended battery and charger for your e-bike: Only use batteries that are specifically designed and recommended for your e-bike model. When charging, use a charger that is specifically designed for the battery and has been tested for safety. Battery charger voltage has to match the voltage of the battery, otherwise it can either short circuit and or cause damage to the battery.

- Follow the manufacturer's instructions: Be sure to read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging, maintaining, and using the battery.

- Avoid overcharging: Never leave the battery charging for extended periods of time, and always unplug it when it's fully charged. Overcharging can cause the battery to overheat, and possibly an electric bike fire.


Storing Your Ebike Battery

It's important to note that the performance and lifespan of an ebike battery can be affected by factors such as how it's used and stored, and how well it's maintained. Proper care and maintenance of the battery can help to prolong its lifespan and ensure that it continues to perform at its best.

- Keep it cool: Avoid exposing the battery to high temperatures, as this can cause the battery to overheat. Keep them in a cool, dry place, and out of reach of children for best electric bike battery storage safety practices.

- Follow local fire safety regulations: Check with local fire safety regulations, as they may have specific guidelines for storing e-bike batteries.


General Do’s and Don’ts

- Properly dispose of damaged batteries: If a battery is damaged or begins to overheat, handle it with extreme caution and dispose of it properly. It's also a good idea to check with local fire safety regulations, as they may have specific guidelines for e-bike battery disposal and fire safety.

- Regularly check the battery: Regularly check the battery for any signs of damage or wear and tear, such as bulging or leaking. If any such signs are observed, it would be best to replace the battery.

- Never attempt to open or repair the battery: The inside of a battery can be dangerous, if you suspect a problem with the battery, take it to a professional or recycle it!

- Avoid damage: Never puncture or damage the battery, as this can cause a short circuit, or worse, an e bike fire.

When it comes to ebike batteries, safety should always be the top priority. By following these guidelines, you can help reduce the risk of fire and ensure the safe use of your ebike.


Aventon’s Pursuit Of Safety

Aventon ebike batteries and their components are TUV Certified in compliance with the UL 2849 standard, meaning they have been put through rigorous testing, ensuring the product is safe for public sale and consumer use. To learn more about UL certification and electric bike battery safety tips, take a look at our blog Taking Care Of Your Ebike Battery: The Ultimate Guide to protect you and your ebike battery, and those around.


Ride Free, Ride Safe

Knowledge is power, and is the greatest safeguard when it comes to using high-powered products. We want you to know everything there is to know about ebike batteries and chargers so that you can handle them with care to protect you and those around you, and to continue to find happiness every time you ride. Our riders mean the world to us at Aventon, and we wholeheartedly want to ensure their safety on and off the saddle. Please spread the word and help us in this endeavor to educate and enlighten those on the importance of ebike battery best practices and preventing e-bike battery fires.

With love, Aventon.


* Consumer Product Safety Commission letter.

1 comment
Pamela Land March 20, 2023

I love my Aventon ebike

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